well that was a very convenient placed Chritmas Tie-In...I should mention that I did not alter the above page in any way. That is the actual caption. ^_^

Wow...imagine how nice and warm her feet must feel. ^_^

Don't you just love it when the featured girl brings along guest stars? :-)

(Just some various webfinds and pictures for the W.I.T.C.H. comic series. A Special Thank You to Shadowmandude for tipping me off to this hot chick)
Another earlier tribute to Taranee can be found here:
:-D With the power to keep her body warm while the temperature around her is below Zero, Taranee's feet are the kind that alot of us would probably spend many a winter's night dreaming about. I know that I am. ^_^
Ok everyone...that's all for tonight. ^_^ One final Chanukkah Fire Girl post left to go. ^_^ Can you guess who it will be?
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