Saturday, January 28, 2012

MM!: Shizuka and Tomoko (Double Bonus)

Ok...a double feature for tonight. Two attractive members of the Sado family Shizuka and Tomoko. Here goes...
Shizuka Sado

Tomoko Sado

(These are capped from various episodes of the MM anime. Massive thank yous to both Why_Zee_Ex and Veroom for tipping me off to anime and scenes of them.)

Double the bios double the fun. Shizuka is Tarou's sister. Despite her cute and youthful appearance, she is actually a college student but could easily pass one of Tarou's classmates. I actually thought she was younger then him until there was a scene in the anime where her mother revealed her college ID when she tried to sneak her way into a beauty pageant at Tarou's highschool. Tomoko is Tarou's mother but her maturity level reflects otherwise. She is very playful and argues with her daughter constantly a lot of times about Tarou. Both characters seem to have a rather unhealthy attachment towards him. They get really jealous if another girl displays interest in Tarou and they love tricking him into showing them affection like getting him to hug them or sneaking into his bed in the morning. The best scenes involving them comes in episode 6 where they notice Yuuno Arashiko (a female classmate of Tarou's) texting him and invite her over to his house for supper. During that visit the two of them attempt to work together to try to scare Tarou's friend away from him. It doesn't exactly work out as you might expect.

Ok last MM tribute left to post. On that note...more to come soon!!

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