Despite the rainy weekend morning, my Saturday has shaped up quite nicely. While out of town a whole load of orders arrived awaiting my perusal and all of them make me as giddy as a kid in a toy shop. The packages contained a very random assortment of supplies of latest releases and very cool figures I have been looking at for some time, I am expecting more arrivals for next week but the above is the core of the arrivals I have been waiting for.
Last month I moved to Vallejo Model Colour paints and have been hooked ever since, preferring the larger range of colours and consistency to Vallejo Game Colour. I took the opportunity to extend my flesh tone range as those portions of the miniature I tend to favour when painting. I picked up the 8 pack set which gives me a staggering 8 additional flesh tones I can now use as base colours or shade washes for my figures, I look forward to seeing what effects I can conjure up.
I also grabbed a P3 craft knife, it is smaller than the GW knife and sits comfortably in the hand when compared to the overly large handle of the GW knife, It is always nice to have multiple of things and when this comes to craft knives, this saying runs especially true.
And now the figure I have long been waiting for, the Khador Gun Carriage! And what a beast of a kit it is, comprising to two very solid pieces of resin and metal parts. I am really looking forward to putting this kit together and I fully intend on writing a more detailed project log of this miniature in the future. I will be taking some time to look at this miniature from a gaming perspective also and will be updating the long neglected Khador tactica section. The arrival of the Gun Carriage signals the beginning of Warmachine: "Wrath" and I am keen to get some games in during summer with this expansion.
Fight the enemies of the Mother land, Reinforce with a Khador Gun Carriage today!
The next two items are results of my push towards painting over gaming, as a direct result of Salute I have been buying more figures, I like the look of as opposed to figures for lists. Some of these figures appeal to me from the purely aesthetic while others are a throw back to old past-times such as watching anime and reading comic books, the current industry is in a great place right now, with more companies producing boutique style miniatures over the traditional buy a army approach.
Knight Models have been putting out two excellent ranges since last year (I believe), they specialise in 54mm but do have 30mm figures also. They cover two ranges: Star Wars and the Marvel Universe. Good thing for me (but not the bank account), I am a fan of both and have been eyeing up both ranges since the start of the year. I opted to go for the Marvel universe first, but once I finish my current contract I will be investing in both franchises before the year is out.
Dr Doom is one of my favourite comic book villains and I have to say the figure is breath taking. Composing of resin and metal parts, Dr Doom sits on his throne undoubtedly scheming world domination. This figure is 54mm and is apparently a limited (mine is 194), what I really like is the collectible nature of the tins which are gloss black and embossed with the Marvel Universe logo. There is a very definite sense of geek appeal with this product, appealing to both comic book fans and miniature painters alike. I really can't wait to put this one together and get painting.
The final figure is a excellent resin minotaur from Figone miniatures. I first saw this large figure on Cool Mini Or Not and have been hunting it down for some time. I had tried the main web site, but I got no response from the sellers and had to fight to get my money back. luckily I was able to source this model and add it to the painting queue. This is a very large resin miniature, standing around 4 - 5 inches tall and the resin looks to be of a very nice quality (no visible mould lines etc). I am very happy to now have this figure in the collection and just hope I can do a paint job worthy of such a awesome miniature. It really is amazing what you can find out there outside the norm of Warhammer, all you need to do is have a look...or read my Blog!
So quite a hefty amount of loot for this wet weekend morning, but this is only half of what I am expecting though, with items coming from Soda Pop miniatures and more goodness from Taban and Smog. Everything so far has been of excellent quality which leaves me spoilt for choice for what to paint, but no time! With Kingdom Death figures still sitting on my paint station, it may be some time till the above order even gets cleaned, let alone painted, but at least they are in my possession.
Thanks for reading,
The 14th Legion
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